Compiling rpclib

Compiling rpclib is a fairly normal and unsurprising experience if you have used cmake-based projects. This document details the advanced building options as well as building the documentation which you might find useful if you want to reproduce everything locally.

Default configuration

The default configuration is the one intended for end-users. If you want to hack on rpclib, you might be interested in some of the Advanced options.


This includes most (all?) Linux distributions, cygwin and Windows. Building rpclib is very similar to other cmake-based projects:

git clone
cd rpclib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

And that's it. If all goes well, your build output will be in the output directory.

Advanced options

There are some compilation options that affect the build output. These options can be set using ccmake, cmake-gui or on the cmake command line.

Name Default value Usage
RPCLIB_BUILD_TESTS OFF Builds the unit tests of the library. You might want to turn this on if you are using an unreleased version.
RPCLIB_GENERATE_COMPDB OFF Generates a json compilation database for use with clang-based tools (such as clang-tidy, YCM etc.)
RPCLIB_BUILD_EXAMPLES ON Builds the collection of example programs that demonstrate the features of rpclib.
RPCLIB_ENABLE_LOGGING OFF Enables the internal logging of rpclib. This slightly affects performance. Currently the logging is not very configurable (for example, everything goes to stdout), but there are plans to make it easier to integrate with your application. Use this feature for debugging purposes.
RPCLIB_ENABLE_COVERAGE OFF This enables passing the code coverage generation flag when building with g++. It is used on Travis to provide coverage monitoring in tandem with
RPCLIB_FORCE_M64 OFF Force -m64 for g++ and clang++. Your build tools must support cross-compilation if this is not your native environment.
RPCLIB_FORCE_M32 OFF Force -m32 for g++ and clang++. Your build tools must support cross-compilation if this is not your native environment.
RPCLIB_EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS "" Use this to pass extra flags to rpclib for building, such as
-fPIC. Please note that I don't normally test and build with such flags